

For UPSEE Students

B. Tech

Rank Scholarships
1 to 10,000 Rs. 31,000/-
10,001 to 20,000 Rs. 21,000/-

B. Pharma

Rank Scholarships
1 to 2,500 Rs. 11,000/-
2,501 to 5,000 Rs. 5,000/-


Rank Scholarships
1 to 2,500 Rs. 21,000/-
2,501 to 5,000 Rs. 11,000/-

For Direct Admision

B. Tech

% Age in 12th or UG Scholarships
90% & above Rs. 31,000/-
80% & <90% Rs. 21,000/-
75% & <80% Rs. 11,000/-
65% & <75% Rs. 5,000/-


%age in 12th or UG Scholarships
75% & above Rs. 25,000/-
68% & <75% Rs. 15,000/-
65% & <68% Rs. 11,000/-


%age in 12th or UG Scholarships
90% & above Rs. 20,000/-
85% & <90% Rs. 15,000/-
75% & <85% Rs. 10,000/-
65% & <75% Rs. 5,000/-

RCRL Talent Search Examination

In order to encourage the performance of students, RCRL, The Parenting body of Goel Group of Institutions provide scholorship at the time of admission to the meritorious as follows:
  • Goel Group conducts its own scholorship examination "RCRL talent search examination". This examination is conducted in various schools and colleges. In this successful students are awarded scholorship of upto *Zero Tuition Fees.
  • The Trust provide scholorship to UPSEE or any other entrance exam rank holder.
  • The Trust provide scholorship to those meritrious students who are having excellent percentage in their qualifing examination.
General Instruction:
  • This booklet contains thirty questions, that is 10 Muitiple Choice Questions (MCQ) each from Physics, Chemistry, Biology for PCB/Arts/Commerce stream students accordingly.
  • Questions are in both Hindi and English.
  • Each correct answer gives you four marks.
  • Each wrong answer attract one negative mark.
  • Use of electronic devices such as calcuiator, mobile phones, etc are prohibited.
  • All questions have onJy one correct answer.
  • Student should fill the corresponding circle using black or biue ball pen.
  • More than one option for any question will be treated as wrong answer.
  • Decision of the Examination Coordinator shall be finalin aJI cases and wiII not be matter for consideration on any account.

For RCRL TRUST exam rank holder student -"RCRL Scholarship"

For admission in B.Tech/BCA
  • I:100%(Tuition fee free)/-
  • II:50%(Tuition fee free)/-
  • III:40%(Tuition fee free)/-
  • IV:30%(Tuition fee free)/-
  • V:25%(Tuition fee free)/-
  • VI:20%(Tuition fee free)/-
For admission in B.Pharm/B.Com/B.Com(Hons)
  • First Position: ₹ 10,000/-
  • Second Position: ₹ 7,000/-
  • Third Position: ₹ 5,000/-
For admission in BBA/B.Tech(Biotech Engg.)
  • First Position: ₹ 25,000/-
  • Second Position: ₹ 20,000/-
  • Third Position: ₹ 15,000/-
  • Above scholarship can be adjusted in student's fees at the time of admission in GGI Lucknow
  • Admission in particular course should be allotted as per availability of seats on first come-first serve basis.
  • Student must be ehgible as per affiliating university norms and Govt. orders.
  • For admission, the candidate having -Certificate of Appreciation can directly approach under Management Quota or through competiive examinations like UPSEE any other quaJifying examination etc.

For Direct Admision

B. Tech/B.Pharma

Year Percentage
2nd Year above 71% marks(upto 76%)
3rd Year above 73% marks(upto 78%)
4th Year above 75% marks(upto 80%)


Year Percentage
1st Year above 68% marks(upto 73%)
2nd Year above 70% marks(upto 75%)


Year Percentage
1st Year above 71% marks(upto 76%)
2nd Year above 73% marks(upto 78%)
3rd Year above 75% marks(upto 80%)

Terms & Conditions

  • Above scholarship will be ajusted in student's fees at the time of admission in Goel Group of Institutions, Faizabad Road, Lucknow.
  • Admission in particular course/branch will be allotted as per availability of seats on first come-first serve basis.
  • Student must be eligible as per affiliating university norms and Govt. orders for admission.
  • For admission, the candidate having "Certificate of Appreciation" can directly approach to the admssion department under Management Quota or through competitive examinations like UPSEE/AIEEE.
  • Only one scholarship whichever is higher will be admissible to the candidate.

Prizes & Awards to 2nd Year to Final Year

  • The Group provides prizes & awards to 2nd Year to Final Year based on the basis of merit of students.
  • Student should maintain minimum 80% attendance.
  • Student must have no dues from accounts.